For rapid shipping, ONLY order from "Available Now"
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Welcome to Papa's Poultry!

Welcome.  We are glad you found us.  This will be our final season as my work demands require more time than I have to also manage this small scale hatchery.  If you are interested in purchasing this company, please reach out to me!!  :) We work hard to keep this site up to date whether you want to order what we have available to ship now or you want to plan ahead for later in the year when you are ready to raise chicks.  The "AVAILABLE NOW" area contains the only chicks and eggs that can ship immediately (within a few days to a week depending on when ordered).  Otherwise, the "OUR BREEDS" list contains all breeds we are working with and selling this year.  If we do not have chicks incubating currently, we will do a custom hatch for your order.  Although they are listed with "X amount in stock" or "available" they are still pre-orders for a FUTURE ship date which could be any where from a week or two up to a few months.  Please do not mix and match chicks from the "Our Breeds" list and the "Available Now" list when placing your order as they require two separate shipments and thus two separate postage charges.  Hatching eggs can be found on their independent page in the main menu, in "Our Breeds", and in the "Available Now" section.  Please let us know if you have any questions and happy buying!