Hatching Egg Codes
Below is the current list of hatching egg codes as of Fall 2022. When pens are pure from one source or two sources crossed, I have listed the origin. Other pens are simply "mine" in that I have brought in at least 3-4 different sources and have been breeding them for years. They have excellent diversity of lines but at this point I consider them mine as they are not directly related to ANY other birds out there. When I fill chick orders, I pull from multiple pens when possible and band accordingly.
1 of 6: Silkies, sizzles, frilkies-- variety of colors including columbian, blue, black, splash, and cuckoo.
2 of 6: Silkies: Patridge/Blue partridge
3 of 6: Silkies-- black and silver partridge, one frizzle hen
4 of 6: Silkies and frilkies-- variety, 2 frizzled hens
5 of 6: Satins (aka Sizzles)-- variety, frizzled rooster over smooth hens
6 of 6: Satins (aka Sizzles)-- variety, smooth rooster over frizzled hens
B/LO: Orpington- Lavender/black split to lavender
BBO: Orpington- blue roo over blue, black, splash hens-- yields blue, black, splash
BC: Cochins (bantam): bobtail, frizzled and smooth
BC2: Cochins (bantam): bobtail, frizzled and smooth
BLC: Cochins (bantam): can hatch black, mottled, blue, mottled and splits to each.
BLC2: Cochins (bantam): can hatch black, mottled, blue, mottled and splits to each.
BF: "Bielefelder" appearing- Sold to me as BFs but they are too small and have white earlobes. Otherwise, they look just like bielefelders. They continue with autosexing characteristics so I sell them just as an autosexing breed.
BLR: Orpington; blue/black/splash laced red project (created here on the farm, unrelated to any birds out there, still a project much in progress)
BLR2: Orpington; blue/black/splash laced red project (created here on the farm, unrelated to any birds out there, still a project much in progress)
BPO: Orpingtion- blue partridge over blue partridge yields blue, black, and splash partridge
BSO: Orpington- blue roo over blue and splash hens-- yields blue, splash
CGL: Orpington- chocolate gold laced (created here on the farm, unrelated to any other birds out there)
CGL2: Orpington- chocolate gold laced (created here on the farm, unrelated to any other birds out there)
CHO: Orpington- chocolate split to mottled over chocolate and chocolate split to mottled can produce chocolate, chocolate split to mottled, and chocolate mottled
CL: Legbar- crested cream--this pen is derived from multiple sources with emphasis on proper cream coloring (no longer available)
CL2: Legbar- crested cream--this pen is mostly C line from Greenfire farms. I have some directly from GFF and at least 3 other sources which includes some Rees line influence and some B line influence (no longer available)
CM: Marans- blue copper roo over blue, black, and splash copper hens-- yields blue, black, splash copper
CM2: Marans- black copper roo over blue, black, and splash copper hens-- yields blue, black copper
G/L: Orpington: Gold laced split to lavender laced over lavender laced (third generation)
GCM: Marans- golden cuckoo--these are autosexing chicks though they can be a bit more challenging to sex than other auto sexing breeds
GLO: Orpington: Gold laced over Gold laced
GL2: Orpington: gold laced over gold laced
ILO: Orpington- Isabel laced, Isabel/lavender laced (origin from gold laced birds, not silver laced birds)
IL2: Orpington- Isabel laced, Isabel/lavender laced (origin from gold laced birds, not silver laced birds)
IS: Orpington: Isabel roo over isabel hens (created here on the farm, unrelated to any current lines)
IS2: Orpington: Isabel (created here on the farm, unrelated to any current lines)
L: Marans: Lavender
L2: Marans: Lavender over black split to lavender (some have black copper in back ground)
LC: Orpington- lemon cuckoo
LC2: Orpington- lemon cuckoo
MOT: Orpington- chocolate mottled over mottled split to chocolate and chocolate mottled
OE: Olive Egger: Sex linked Blue and Black Copper Marans over cream legbars
OL1: Legbar: opal (lavender) legbar
OL2: Legbar: opal legbar cockeral and cream legbar split to opal (lavender)
OL3: Legbar: opal (lavender) legbar
OX: Orpington: Project from red based patterned birds
PB: Brahma- blue partridge roo over blue, splash and black partridge hens and blue and splash columbian hens--yields blue, black, splash partridge and some blue, black, and splash columbian.
PB2: Brahma- blue partridge roo over blue, splash and black partridge hens and blue and splash columbian hens--yields blue, black, splash partridge and some blue, black, and splash columbian.
PO: Orpington- partridge (made here on the farm- new line unrelated to any current lines out there, still in process)
PO2: Orpington- partridge and blue partridge(made here on the farm- new line unrelated to any current lines out there, still in process)
R: Rhodebar- autosexing breed direct from Greenfire
R (olive): rhodebar based olive egger
R2: Rhodebar- autosexing breed direct from Greenfire
R2 (olive): rhodebar based olive egger
SF: Silkie, sizzle, frilkie combined variety color pen
SLGL: Orpington: chocolate gold laced over gold laced
SLO: Orpington: silver laced
SLOP: Orpington: Chocolate silver laced over silver laced
SS2: Silkie, sizzle, frilkie combined variety color pen