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Hatching Egg Codes

Below is the current list of hatching egg codes as of Jan 2025. When pens are pure from one source or two sources crossed, I have listed the origin.  Other pens are simply "mine" in that I have brought in at least 3-4 different sources and have been breeding them for years.  They have excellent diversity of lines but at this point I consider them mine as they are not directly related to ANY other birds out there.  When I fill chick orders, I pull from multiple pens when possible and band accordingly. If you have looked at this list before, you can see there has been a significant reduction in pens, most all my breeds have been consolidated into one bigger pen.

BBO: Orpington- blue roo over blue, black, splash hens-- yields blue, black, splash

BLC: Cochins (bantam): can hatch black, mottled, blue, mottled and splits to each. 


BF: "Bielefelder" appearing-  Sold to me as BFs but they are too small and have white earlobes.  Otherwise, they look just like bielefelders. They continue with autosexing characteristics so I sell them just as an autosexing breed. 


BSO: Orpington- blue roo over blue and splash hens-- yields blue, splash

CGL: Orpington- chocolate gold laced (created here on the farm, unrelated to any other birds out there)


CHO: Orpington- chocolate split to mottled over chocolate and chocolate split to mottled can produce chocolate, chocolate split to mottled, and chocolate mottled

CL: Legbar- crested cream--this pen is derived from multiple sources with emphasis on proper cream coloring (no longer available)

CL/OL: Legbar- crested cream split to opal legbar--this pen has an opal legbar cockerel over one opal legbar and the rest crested cream legbars.  Chicks produced from the cream legbars will be visually cream legbar but will carry the opal gen.  Bred to other opals they will produce opal legbars. Bred to another split, they will produce approximately 50% opal and 50% cream legbars. 

CM: Marans- blue copper roo over blue, black, and splash copper hens-- yields blue, black, splash copper 


GCM: Marans- golden cuckoo--these are autosexing chicks though they can be a bit more challenging to sex than other auto sexing breeds 

GLO: Orpington: Gold laced over Gold laced 

ILO: Orpington- Isabel laced, Isabel/lavender laced (origin from gold laced birds, not silver laced birds)

IS: Orpington: Isabel roo over isabel hens (created here on the farm, unrelated to any current lines)

LC: Orpington- lemon cuckoo

OE: Olive Egger: Sex linked Blue and Black Copper Marans over cream legbars


OL1: Legbar: opal (lavender) legbar

PBr: Brahma- blue partridge roo over blue, splash and black partridge hens and blue and splash columbian hens--yields blue, black, splash partridge and some blue, black, and splash columbian.


PO: Orpington- partridge and blue partridge(made here on the farm- new line unrelated to any current lines out there, still in process)

R: Rhodebar- autosexing breed direct from Greenfire

R (olive): rhodebar based olive egger


SF: Silkie, sizzle, frilkie combined variety color pen

SLGL: Orpington: chocolate gold laced over gold laced