All Hatching Eggs Available NOW
These hatching eggs are IN STOCK and available to ship usually within days to a week. Generally, I ship egg Monday/Tuesdy but occasionally can ship on other days on prior request. Local pick up generally welcome any time within a few days of order being placed. Just set up a time with us. Inventory is up to date so you can purchase and know your hatching eggs will be sent on a specific date. All prices listed are the per egg price. I will always send extras when I send hatching eggs in order to improve your hatch percentage per number of eggs ordered. These are given as a free bonus as we know the challenges of hatching shipped eggs. THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES ON SHIPPED EGGS! A "clear" shipped egg does NOT equate to an Infertile shipped egg. Please do not message me to tell me about the fertility of our eggs. We set every week and are well aware of the fertility on the farm. SHIPPED EGGS ARE A GAMBLE. PLEASE DECIDE PRIOR TO ORDERING IF YOU ARE WILLING TO TAKE THE RISK.
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