I have combined my silkies/sizzles into two all inclusive color pens. The goal is simply cool looking birds and maximizing number of frizzled birds. One pen is all frizzled roos over smooth silkies and sizzles. The other pen is Silkie and Smooth Sizzle roos over mostly frizzled silkie and sizzle hens. I have one more pen that is a buff silkie roo over 3 frizzled sizzle hens. Chicks can be from any one of these pens. There will likely be a huge variety and some chicks may have faults in regard to breeding for true silkies, sizzles, or frilkies. These are meant to be fun pet chicks. You very well could however get excellent quality from these pens and even true show quality. It's just that's not my current goal with the pen. Goal is diversity of color and variety.
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